The Katallagete Podcast
Colossians in Conversation with Dr. Chris Tilling

Colossians in Conversation with Dr. Chris Tilling

We've been working through the book of Colossians at my church, and so I thought it would be helpful to record a conversation with my former tutor and New Testament scholar Dr. Chris Tilling.

Chris is Graduate Tutor and Senior Lecturer in New Testament Studies at St Mellitus College. Chris co-authored How God Became Jesus (Zondervan, 2014). He is also the editor of Beyond Old and New Perspectives on Paul (Cascade, 2014). Chris’s first book is the critically acclaimed Paul’s Divine Christology (Mohr Siebeck, 2012). Chris has published numerous articles on topics relating to the Apostle Paul, Christology, justification, the historical Jesus, Paul S. Fiddes, Karl Barth, the theology of Hans Küng, and more besides. He has appeared as a media figure for Biologos, GCI, Eerdmans, Wipf & Stock, and HTB’s School of Theology and he co-hosts the popular Podcast, OnScript. He has functioned as external reader for various publishing houses, including the Library of New Testament Studies at T&T Clark, IVP, Lexington/Fortress Academic, and Eerdmans, and is on the Advisory Board for the TF Torrance Theological Fellowship. He supervises PhD students via King’s College London, and is an experienced external examiner of PhDs. He has organised public theology lectures as well as theology conferences, and he enjoys playing golf and chess, now working as editor for a couple of chess publishing houses. He is married to Anja and has two children.

Glossary of terms that Chris used:

  • 'Christology' - the term in Christian theology used to outline thinking about who Jesus is and how we relate to him. In particular thinking about the 'nature' of Jesus as both human and divine and how those two things coalesce in Jesus.

  • 'Adamic' - is a reference to Adam in Genesis, usually pertaining to the fall and the subsequent enslavement of creation to the powers of Sin, Death, and Evil. 

  • 'Participation' - refers to our participation in the cosmic story - or 'meta-narrative' - of Jesus Christ.

  • 'Trinitarian' - the term for describing 'The Trinity', that is, the Christian understanding of one God expressed in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • 'Liberation' - the act of God in setting us free from captivity and enslavement to Sin.

  • 'Pneumatology' - the term in Christian theology used to outline thinking about who the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit does.

Commentary on the Epistle to The Galatians, by Martin Luther (gutenberg.org)

The Katallagete Podcast
Thoughts, musings, conversations, and sermons from an Anglican Priest based in Hastings, UK.